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This year marks our 20th anniversary
as a multi-award-winning employment and housing charity and social enterprise!
CEO Paul Roberts
 We have come a long way since we began back in 2001; with a mission to provide person- centred employment, work experience, training and support opportunities, we are empowering people to unlock their potential to build their lives and futures. We’re proud to share that Aspire supported over 2,000 people across Oxfordshire and the wider Thames Valley to achieve remarkable life changes and reconnect with society in 2020-21.
Our 20th anniversary coincides with significant societal upheaval, and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have altered our focus and the way we support our beneficiaries. We have had to step up to
exclusion, whilst continuing to support local people to leave homelessness, poverty and disadvantage behind for good.
As we emerge from the pandemic, we will promote and help bring about a fairer, more inclusive economy that gets to the heart of fixing outdated and broken systems. We will play our part to ensure that anyone who finds themselves out of work or in housing need in our community gets the tailored support and opportunity they need to thrive.
Read on to find out more about the way we work - and how we reach the results we achieve!
 meet new demands, such as tackling digital
We make sure we really get to know each beneficiary referred to us, so we can understand their circumstances and the unique barriers they face. Having established a rapport, our case workers develop a person-centred programme tailored to the individual’s need that is truly unique to them, through an approach that is tuned in to the mental and emotional needs of those with adverse life experiences.

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